Statement: Supreme Court of Justice ruling declares unconstitutionality recourse inadmissible against Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy law.

Mujer y Salud en Uruguay considers the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) ruling (dated April 27th, and released on May 18th) as encouraging, since it’s declared “inadmissible the unconstitutionality claim action” against law 18.987: Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy (VTP).

This unconstitutionality recourse was initiated in February by a man from Mercedes, along an “amparo” recourse presented in the 3rd Turn Civil Court in Mercedes (Soriano department), with judge Pura Concepción Book in charge, to forbid a VTP from an unwanted pregnancy by a woman.

The case gained national and international repercussion, as it was the first action of this nature presented against the VTP law since its approval in 2012, this time under an erroneous interpretation of the law by jugde Book, who based it in her personal and ideological views and beliefs.

Initiating an unconstitutionality recourse was a new attempt by anti-right groups to stop the advances made in the country. The SCJ ruling, naming the recourse “inadmissible” is an important sign from the highest body in the Judiciary, as it reaffirms the VTP law is still in force and must be respected and applied as it corresponds.

From our organization we express our solidarity and support to the woman who has suffered this interference in her reproductive choices, who was re-victimized and exposed upon the public opinion, but knew how to handle the situation with strength and conviction about her rights.

Her fight is our fight, we congratulate in the social support that denounced this outrageous violation of her rights, demanding women’s freedom and autonomy to decide to be respected.

We will keep fighting until legal abortion services and fully operating. We will be always watching, ready to fight back against any other attempt to override the advances made and any setbacks we might encounter.

Mujer y Salud en Uruguay – MYSU

Montevideo, May 22nd 2017

Related links:

Aborto en Mercedes: MYSU como fuente clave para los medios

Un garrote

Suprema Corte declaró “inadmisible” acción de inconstitucionalidad contra ley IVE